Hello fellow questioners, risk takers, thinkers, creatives... in short, my awesome viewers/readers! You are most likely reading this here blog post because you saw my recent video on YouTube about Success in the arts. I am pretty hyped up because it is the second video in the series which means that I have now officially created a series! Also, it means that I am moving forward on an idea that has been knocking around in my ever crowded brain for some time now. I thought I would talk a little more about the question of Success in the Arts here, expanding on the thoughts that I shared in the video.
As I stated in the video, I was surprised to find that money didn't seem to be a big factor in the definition of success from the folks that I have talked to about it. Those that brought it up at all only mentioned it in almost in passing. It seems that money is actually only one of the many tools used by creatives to do what they do, it's not a driving goal or measure of success. There have been many times when people have told me that I shouldn't go into the arts because I can't make any money or I shouldn't be an artist because you will only be famous after your dead so what's the point. Yes folks, these are direct quotes. To me those are clear indications that money and fame are sort of bench marks, quantifiers if you will of societies view of success.
In my personal view, while money is nice to have and I enjoy having enough to pay my bills, feed myself and in general sustain my low key lifestyle, I don't see it as something that I use to measure my success. Having more or less of it doesn't mean that I am more or less successful in my art. Same goes for fame. While a little recognition of my awesomeness is nice now and again, it isn't why I do what I do. I create because I have to, because I want to communicate to other people, share my thoughts, ideas, dreams, opinions, create a response in other people, get people to think about things beyond what jeans to buy and what celebrity is dating/breaking up with who. Money and fame don't come into that. I would still be making art even if I had no money and I can only hope that I would still make art if I was dripping with cash. As for fame, knowing me and how I hate crowds, have a hard time opening my mouth around strangers and get anxiety if there are more than 2 people in a room that I don't know, I don't think fame is for me.
So those are my expanded thoughts on the idea of Success as an artist. Now I want to know yours! Comment on the YouTube video or leave a comment here. Let talk about this thing that we all hope to achieve in our life time and what it really means for folks who are creatively driven!
Here's to hoping that you all are having a fabulous time doing what you do! Keep your eyes peeled for more Conundrum to come!
As I stated in the video, I was surprised to find that money didn't seem to be a big factor in the definition of success from the folks that I have talked to about it. Those that brought it up at all only mentioned it in almost in passing. It seems that money is actually only one of the many tools used by creatives to do what they do, it's not a driving goal or measure of success. There have been many times when people have told me that I shouldn't go into the arts because I can't make any money or I shouldn't be an artist because you will only be famous after your dead so what's the point. Yes folks, these are direct quotes. To me those are clear indications that money and fame are sort of bench marks, quantifiers if you will of societies view of success.
In my personal view, while money is nice to have and I enjoy having enough to pay my bills, feed myself and in general sustain my low key lifestyle, I don't see it as something that I use to measure my success. Having more or less of it doesn't mean that I am more or less successful in my art. Same goes for fame. While a little recognition of my awesomeness is nice now and again, it isn't why I do what I do. I create because I have to, because I want to communicate to other people, share my thoughts, ideas, dreams, opinions, create a response in other people, get people to think about things beyond what jeans to buy and what celebrity is dating/breaking up with who. Money and fame don't come into that. I would still be making art even if I had no money and I can only hope that I would still make art if I was dripping with cash. As for fame, knowing me and how I hate crowds, have a hard time opening my mouth around strangers and get anxiety if there are more than 2 people in a room that I don't know, I don't think fame is for me.
So those are my expanded thoughts on the idea of Success as an artist. Now I want to know yours! Comment on the YouTube video or leave a comment here. Let talk about this thing that we all hope to achieve in our life time and what it really means for folks who are creatively driven!
Here's to hoping that you all are having a fabulous time doing what you do! Keep your eyes peeled for more Conundrum to come!